For your Convenience

For your convenience, you’ll find on-site:
Zen Area
An outdoor relaxation area with a stunning view over the Causse Méjean. Before or after your tour, come and unwind in the hammocks and loungers at your disposal.
Picnic Areas
There are picnic tables on site as well as two picnic shelters for peace of mind. You can purchase drinks and local products at the “Speleo Café” to enjoy in the picnic areas.
Men’s/women’s toilets and baby-changing facilities. Accessible to people with reduced mobility. You’ll find them beneath the Speleo Station, accessible from the outside as you arrive.
Car parks
There’s a vast, free car park right next to the “Speleo Station” and the visitors’ entrance.
- Motorised vehicles of all categories can park here.
- Coaches: designated spaces near the entrance.
- Motorcycles and collection vehicles: spaces near reception.
- Bikes: bicycle rack in the shade, next to the Speleo Station.
- Camper vans: designated spaces in the upper part of the car park. Please inform reception if you wish to stay overnight (1 night only).
- Helicopters are allowed to land on the designated area. To plan your arrival, please contact reception ahead of your visit.